Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Family Time

I'm pretty sure that I mentioned it, but I'm visiting my sister and her family. Just a short trip, on my day off. My hubby couldn't come, because he had to work. So I made the 90 minute drive into the city alone.

This is really what I needed. Some time with my nieces and nephew. I took care of them today while my sister and BIL did some Christmas shopping. Which I hear, was definitely needed! They had only bought 2 presents so far.

Back at their house, it was all glitter and glue with Lauren. And lots of kissing and cuddling with the twins. We might have also played dress up. And had a blast with all of my long necklaces. But you know what, sometimes you just need to get away from your day to day.

This time of year especially, it's all about family. I enjoyed just just hanging out with my favorite kiddos. Watching The Little Mermaid for the 1000th time. At least. And sharing some pizza with Lauren. The twins are still doing the breast milk and baby food thing.

And I'm pretty sure that Manders and Billy enjoyed the alone time. They even managed to go have dinner together. I'm super glad. As parents, they need that. I just wished that we all lived closer. So we could do this more. But I definitely enjoyed my day. And I'll be sad in the morning ,when I'm driving back home. But I do miss my hubby!

Lastly, my sister talked me into joining twitter. You can find me here. You know, if you want to follow me. Happy Hump Day!

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